Recordings for Tests
Recordings for ABRSM, Royal Conservatory Music Development Program (MDP), and Certificate of Merit (CM) to be included here.
Recorded by Grant, these are meant for instructional use only. Videos are recorded at full tempo and occassionally recorded at a slower practice tempo.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All videos are password protected, so please use the password welovemusic to access the videos!
Level 1
(A:1) W.A. Mozart - Minuet in G full slow
(A:2) Alec Rowley - Fugue full slow
(A:3) D.G. Turk - Das Ballett full slow
(B:1) A.F. Gedike - Moderato full slow
(B:2) Felix Swinstead - Sailor's Song full slow
(B:3) Feliks Rybicki - Na lodce full slow
(C:1) R.R. Bennett - Thursday full slow
(C:2) D. Shostakovich - March full slow
(C:3) Warren, Gordon - Chattanooga Choo Choo full slow
Level 2
(A:1) Henry Purcell - Hornpipe full slow
(A:2) G.P. Telemann - Tres vite full slow
(A:3) Thomas Attwood - Allegro full slow
(B:1) Nicolai Podgornov - Bear Dance full slow
(B:2) C.V. Stanford - Lullaby full slow
(B:3) Li Yinghai - Xiong mao full slow
(C:1) Hanna, Barbera, Curtin - Meet the Flintstones full slow
(C:2) Matyas Seiber - Polka full slow
(C:3) Sarah Watts - Strange Things Happen full slow