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Adult Student FAQ

Are you an adult student looking for piano lessons?  Then you've come to the right place!


Most piano teachers teach only exclusively kids, and many others that do teach adults have only 1-2 adult students.  But I love teaching adult students, teach over a dozen adults, and hold special programs exclusively for my adult students.


Q:  Do you teach adults?  What is different about piano for adult students?


I absolutely love teaching adult students!  With adults, I can have more in-depth and mature conversations about the music than I can with kids.  Adults are also typically much better behaved!  :)


The curriculum and approach for adult students also widely vary, much more than for kids.  Some adults want to be very relaxed and only play in the comfort of their own homes, while many enjoy performing for others and the camaraderie of other piano students.  Some even go further with their studies and take examinations.  In any case, I am flexible to whatever goals you may have and cover all genres (classical, pop, world music, movie music, arranging/lead sheets, improvisation, and more!)


Q:  I am a complete beginner.  Is it “too late” to learn piano?


No!  It is never too late.  I have taught students as old as 80+, so it is never too late for you.  If you can drive a car, you will have no problem picking up the piano!


Q:  Do you have separate recitals or other opportunities for adults?


Yes!  There are adult recitals that occur about 2-3 times a year, often with other adult students from other studios.  There are always receptions that follow as well!


Q:  What are some things I should watch out for?


The main thing is the time commitment.  Do you have the time in your schedule to commit to a weekly lesson and at least 3 hours of practice a week?  If so, welcome!  If not, make time for it!  Piano is like exercise… you will do it only if you make it a priority.  Check your work schedule carefully!


Q:  Do I absolutely need an acoustic (upright or grand) piano?


It is highly preferred to have an acoustic piano.  Electric pianos have come a long way in technology, but acoustic pianos are still superior in the touch.  The weight sensitivity is much heavier in acoustic pianos, so practicing on an electric piano would be like learning to drive a car in a go-cart.  That being said, it is not absolutely necessary, so we can work with what you have.



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